Category: <span>Beverlo Camp</span>

the municipality of Leopoldsburg wants to sell a lot of historical buildings?

A municipality that prides itself on attaching importance to its past apparently has NO PROBLEM getting rid of historic buildings. We can already imagine how these buildings will have to make way for new construction without any hesitation. Four of the buildings for sale are the following: We hope that…

the first prints of Beverlo Camp by J.B. Gratny were made?

Text by Plees Roger (tijdschrift van het MUSEUM KAMP VAN BEVERLO van januari -april 2021) Translation by Patrick Marquenie The first images of the Beverlo military camp were made by J.B. Gratry. Little information is known about the artist. We do know that he was a student of Paul Lauters….

Water tower (updated)

The water tower was built between 1912 and 1923. At the start of WW I, the works were halted. The structural work was finished up to the first floor. In 1918 they finally continued with the construction. It was built on top of a heavy concrete slab and is 35m…

Malakoff prison (updated)

The prison was built in 1856 between the Koning Albertlaan and th Gravin van Vlaanderenlaan, south of the Infantry School. The name was derived from the Malakoff settling of Sebastopol, the siege was one of the highlights of the Crimean War, which had then just ended. The round tower was 10…

Dune of the executed

Deep in the forest of the Beverlo Camp lies a hidden war cemetery, only known in the area as the “Secret Cemetery”. During the Second World War, only local residents knew about the lurid place because they heard groans and screams at night. Here the German Army executed and buried…

Internment camp

The most memorable thing in the Beverlo camp was the internment camp that the German occupier organized there during the Second World War under the name Kriegs Wehrmacht Gefängnis Beverlo. From the beginning of the occupation, that prison was set up in the complex of the equestrian camp. The existing…

There are beautiful stamps of Leopoldsburg, Heppen and the Camp Beverlo?

I am not a stamp collector myself, but on my search for postcards I did come across a number of beautiful stamps (and have therefore purchased them). On the right and below you can see my, without a doubt, limited collection. If you are still looking for yourself, I still…