Category: <span>Did you know that</span>

the municipality of Leopoldsburg wants to sell a lot of historical buildings?

A municipality that prides itself on attaching importance to its past apparently has NO PROBLEM getting rid of historic buildings. We can already imagine how these buildings will have to make way for new construction without any hesitation. Four of the buildings for sale are the following: We hope that…

coal was drilled in Heppen?

Based on the text “Heppen rond de jaren 1900 Deel 3 van 3” (magazine De HEIKAPPER – Year 40 – April 2021 – nb 1) Translation by Patrick MARQUENIE The first drilling of the entire circumference, before Beringen, was done in Heppen, behind the station (Beringsesteenweg, before the border with…

the first prints of Beverlo Camp by J.B. Gratny were made?

Text by Plees Roger (tijdschrift van het MUSEUM KAMP VAN BEVERLO van januari -april 2021) Translation by Patrick Marquenie The first images of the Beverlo military camp were made by J.B. Gratry. Little information is known about the artist. We do know that he was a student of Paul Lauters….

Leopoldsburg has twinned with Villers-sur-Mer?

In February 2021, the city council approved the fraternization with Villers-sur-Mer. This beautiful Normandy coastal village, located about 500 km from Leopoldsburg, was liberated on August 22, 1944 by the Brigade Piron. A few weeks later, on September 11-12, 1944, Heppen & Leopoldsburg were also liberated by that brigade. In…

Waffen-SS arm-eagles exist under the name of ‘Leopoldsburg-version?

The name ‘Leopoldsburg version’ is a name that older collectors gave to these eagles until about 2005, perhaps because they were common and appeared in that region until after the war. Perhaps this should be seen in the context of local (militaria) shops, or shops where military insignia was sold…

The Olympic Games of Antwerp 1920 will always be connected to Camp Beverlo?

In 1920, Camp Beverloo hosted the facilities of the gun and rifle shooting events for the 1920 Summer Olympics. While those events took place, grenades exploded four kilometres from the shooting ranges, because the military exercises in the Camp continued! A photo of the Norwegian team in action